How to Access Balance Sheet
Welcome to the Papercare Working Papers help section. This guide will assist accountants to access Balance sheet that provides a comprehensive snapshot of your company’s financial position at a specific point in time.
How to Access Balance Sheet
Step 1 : Navigating to the Balance Sheet
To access the Balance Sheet, go to the “Accounting” tab located in the main menu.
Step 2 :Opening the Balance Sheet
Click on the “Balance Sheet” option to open it. By default, the Balance Sheet opens in expand mode, showing all sections. You can collapse sections for a more concise view if preferred.
Step 3 :Viewing Account Details
Within the Balance Sheet, you’ll find details such as lead schedule names, account names and schedule references.
Step 4 :Analysing Variances
The Balance Sheet also highlights variances between the current year’s figures and the previous year’s, both in terms of absolute values and percentages.
Step 5 :Exploring Additional Information
Notes, queries, review points, and attachments associated with control accounts can be accessed by clicking on the relevant popup notifications.
Step 6 :Navigating to Control Accounts and Lead Schedules
Control accounts, lead schedules, and schedule references are clickable links. Clicking on them redirects you to the respective lead schedule or control account for detailed breakdown.
If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please contact our support team.